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J. Aczél. Lecture on Functional Equations and their Applications. Academic Press, 1966.

D. Callahan. Recognizing and parallelizing bounded recurrences. In U. Banerjee et al. (Eds.), editor, Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Santa Clara, CA, pages 266--282. Springer-Verlag, August 1991. LNCS 589.

J. Dongarra D. Callahan and D. Levine. Vectorizing compilers : A test suite and results. Proceedings of the first IEEE Supercomputing'88, pages 98--105, November 1988.

G.-R. Perrin E. Violard. Reduction in pei. In Springer Verlag, editor, Proceeding of CONPAR'94 - VAPP VI (LNCS 854), pages 112--123, September 1994.

Paul Feautrier. Projet vesta : Outil de calcul symbolique. In 6th Int Coll on Programming, 1984. LNCS 167.

Paul Feautrier. Parametric integer programming. RAIRO Recherche Opérationnelle, 22:243--268, September 1988.

Paul Feautrier. Dataflow analysis of scalar and array references. Int. J. of Parallel Programming, 20(1), February 1991.

Kenneth A. Iverson. A Programming Language. Jonh Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962.

N. D. Jones and S. S. Muchnick. Program Flow Analysis, Theory and Applications. Prentice Hall, 1981.

Pierre Jouvelot and Babak Dehbonei. A unified semantic approach for the vectorization and parallelization of generalized reductions. In Procs. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, pages 186--194. ACM Press, 1989.

Hanoch Levy and David W. Low. A contraction algorithm for finding small cycle cutsets. Journal of Algorithms, 9:470--493, 1988.

Y.-I. Choo M. Chen and J. Li. Crystal: From functional description to efficient parallel code. In G. Fox, editor, Proc. of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, pages 417--433. ACM, New York, USA, 1988.

Christophe Mauras. Alpha : un langage équationnel pour la conception et la programmation d'architectures parallèles synchrones. PhD thesis, Université de Rennes I, December 1989.

Bernard Philippe Michèle Raphalen. Précision numérique dans le cumul d'un nombre de termes. Technical Report Publication interne 253, Institut de recherche en informatique et systemes aleatoires (IRISA), April 1985.

R. Pinter and S. Pinter. Program optimization and parallelization using idioms. In ACM PoPL, 1991.

Patrice Quinton. Automata networks in Computer Science, chapter The systematic design of systolic arrays, pages 229--260. Manchester University Press, December 1987.

S. Rajopadhye and M. Muddarangegowda. Parallel assignment, reduction and communication. In SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Norfolk, 1993.

X. Redon. Détection et exploitation des récurrences dans les programmes scientifiques. In M. Cosnard et P. Fraigniaud L. Bougé, editor, 6eme rencontres francophones du parallélisme, pages 81--85, June 1994.

Xavier Redon. Détection et exploitation des récurrences dans les programmes numériques en vue de leur parallélisation. PhD thesis, Université P. et M. Curie, January 1995.

D. Wilde. A library for doing polyhedral operations. Technical Report Internal Publication 785, IRISA, Rennes, France, Dec 1993. Also published as INRIA Research Report 2157.

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