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5   Multi-directional Scans

A multi-directional scan has more than one direction vectors, other parameters being the same:
Scan( D,(e1,...,ek),b,d,g)  .
The direction vectors e1,...,ek span a linear subspace H and define a family of affine subspaces H+d for an arbitrary translation vector d. Formula (9) defines as many scans as there are affine subspaces whose intersection with D is not empty. b is the scan operator, and the scan order is lexicographic order on the coordinates of each point relative to its affine subspace. Points which cannot be reached from other points of D by a positive integral combination of direction vectors are given the initial values as defined by g. The reader may notice that this definition defaults back to the definition of a uni-directional scan when k=1.

Our first observation is that multi-directional scans are more efficient than multiple uni-directional scans.
Take the example of the sum of the elements of a n× n matrix. With only uni-directional scans, one must compute n sequential scans operating on n data. With P processors, the run-time is of the order of n(n/P+log2(P)). With a multi-directional scan, a run-time of the order of n2/P+log2(P) is expected. In the best case (when n=P) the speed-up is about 1+log2(P).
In our system, multi-directional scans cannot be detected directly. They can be found using multistage elimination. When working at pseudo-depth p, a direction may be added to a scan if its initial values reference the clause c in which it lays and if the scan operator is the clause c itself. The second condition is that a new direction e0 can be extracted from the definitions of the scan initial values. A new direction cannot be an arbitrary vector: some checks must be done on the definition of each initial value v0 of the former Scan which are not initial values of the enhanced Scan. Namely, such a definition must be the application of the Scan operator to the data corresponding to v0 and the data corresponding to the predecessor of v0 according to the directions e0 to ek.

Practically, the problem of extracting a new direction may be solved using the PIP software [6], since testing the validity constraint is equivalent to the computation of a lexicographic maximum.

Let us consider again the summation of the elements of a matrix. The corresponding system is:
x[i,j] =
     i,j | i=1, j=1         : a[i,j] ;
     i,j | 2<=i<=n, j=1     : x[i-1,n] + a[i,j] ;
     i,j | 1<=i<=n, 2<=j<=n : x[i,j-1] + a[i,j] ;
   esac ;

Pattern matching is applied for the detection of scans at pseudo-depth 1. A closed form is introduced for the clause x.2:
x[i,j] =
     i,j | i=1, j=1         : a[i,j] ;
     i,j | 2<=i<=n, j=1     : x[i-1,n] + a[i,j] ;
     i,j | 1<=i<=n, 2<=j<=n :
          Scan( i',j' | 1<=i'<=n, 1<=j'<=n,
                ([0 1]), +, a[i',j'], x[i',j'] );
   esac ;

Removing inter-components references leads to the inclusion of the clauses x.0 and x.1 into the initial value of the Scan operator.
x[i,j] =
     i,j | 1<=i<=n, 2<=j<=n :
          Scan( i',j' | 1<=i'<=n, 1<=j'<=n,
                ([0 1]), +, a[i',j'],
                    k,l | k=1, l=1     :
                         a[1,1] ;
                    k,l | 2<=k<=n, l=1 :
                         x[k-1,n] + a[k,l] ;
                 esac ; )
   esac ;

Since this system is already normalized for pseudo-depth 0, a pattern-matching can be applied. No new uni-directional scan can be detected. But we can try to add a direction to the previously detected scan. Two necessary conditions for scan enhancement are fulfilled: the scan is the clause expression, and the second clause of the initial value is referencing x.0 at pseudo-depth 0 using the scan binary operation (here an addition).

Now, a new direction e0 must be extracted. The direction must verify that for k in {2,...,n} the point (k , 1) has for predecessor in scan order defined by e0 and e1 the point (k-1 , n) . A solution is the integer vector (1 , 0) .

The scan enhancement is successful, we obtain a two-directional scan:
x[i,j] =
     i,j | 1<=i<=n, 2<=j<=n :
          Scan( i',j' | 1<=i'<=n, 1<=j'<=n,
                ([1 0] [0 1]), +,
                a[i',j'], a[1,1] ) ;
   esac ;


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