For technical reasons, the PAF compiler deals only with convex D domains.
We acknowledge that this definition lacks in precision. It should be completed by complexity considerations: the ``size'' of the result should not increase, or, at least, increase more slowly than the total size of the arguments.
Our DFG constructor may find non convex domains but the handling of such cases is left for future work.
A strongly connected system is a system whose graph is strongly connected. In the same way a strong component of a system is the set of variables from a strong component of its graph
More complete proofs for the theorems of this section can be found in [RF:97].
From the technical point of view, this means that the sub-spaces C and D are supposed to be expressed using vectors of the same size. That is not a restriction since one may always consider a vector of size n as a vector of Zn+n' by adding n' zeroes.