- *
Laboratoire LIFL,
Université Lille I,
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France.
e-mail: Xavier.Redon@lifl.fr
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Laboratoire PRiSM,
Université de Versailles-St. Quentin,
45, Avenue des Etats-Unis,
78035 Versailles, France.
e-mail: Paul.Feautrier@prism.uvsq.fr
- 1
- We acknowledge that this definition lacks in precision. It should
be completed by complexity considerations:
the ``size'' of the result should not
increase, or, at least, increase more slowly than the total
size of the arguments.
- 2
- In graph theory, a circuit is a cycle with edges oriented in the
same direction.
- 3
- A strongly connected component of a graph is a subset S
of its vertices such that any couple of vertices from S can be
connected by a path, i.e. a succession of edges oriented in the same way.
A strongly connected graph is a graph such that the set of its vertices
is a strongly connected component.
- 4
- A strongly connected system is a system whose graph
is strongly connected. In the same way a strongly connected
component of a
system is the set of variables from a strongly connected
component of its
- 5
- Remember that no special orientation is required for the
edges of a cycle but that the edges of a circuit must be oriented
- 6
It give the number of cycles of a graph.